Around Portsmouth with students from the Czech Republic!
10 students from the Czech Republic came together with their teacher Martin for their 2-week experience as car mechanics. Another two participants will stay here for 3 months!
10 students from the Czech Republic came together with their teacher Martin for their 2-week experience as car mechanics. Another two participants will stay here for 3 months!
A group of 12 students from an IT school in Sweden arrived this weekend for their 3-week experience in the UK. The group is placed in the local companies both in Portsmouth and Southampton.
We, at the IBD, were very lucky to have her as our intern for 4 weeks and will miss her greatly! Best of luck for the future!
Henning was 3 weeks in Portsmouth to gain more experience as Industrial Clerk in Engineering.
Last Friday, 11 students from an IT school in Sweden received their certificates for 4-week experience in Portsmouth, UK! More photos on our Facebook page
10 participants from Sweden received their certificates for the 4-week experience in Portsmouth!
Last Saturday, the IBD took a group of 30 Swedish students up to Oxford for a day around the marvellous city!
This weekend, a group of 5 Swedish students and 8 Slovak students arrived in Portsmouth. They will stay for 3 and 4 weeks to gain more professional experience!
A group of 7 students arrived together with their director to Portsmouth this weekend. They will stay for 4 weeks and have their internships in the make-up companies, theatre, blacksmith and other local companies and organisations!