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So far admin has created 553 blog entries.

3rd Partnership project visit in Portsmouth!

On 3rd May, the IBD Partnership team met with Italian partners for the 3rd Partnership project visit in Portsmouth. The project tries to find innovative practices in maritime tourism from the UK, Malta, and Spain in order to create a new study programme in Italy. More photos on Facebook

2018-05-08T21:51:30+01:00May 8th, 2018|General News|0 Comments

The CEO of the IBD Partnership was one of the judges at Young Enterprise Hampshire and IOW Showcase County Final!

Students from Farnborough Hill School have been crowned Best Overall Company at the Young Enterprise Hampshire and IOW Showcase County Final. The final, held at Ordnance Survey Headquarters, Southampton on the 25th Aril celebrated students who have set up and run a company over the academic year as part of the HSBC supported Young Enterprise [...]

2018-05-02T16:19:48+01:00May 2nd, 2018|General News|0 Comments

Certificate ceremony for the students from the Czech Republic!

The 13 boys from the Czech Republic received their certificates last Friday! The participants spent 3 weeks in Portsmouth for their internship within Erasmus + programme. They were working in the sectors of IT, administration, and engineering.

2018-04-29T17:13:40+01:00April 29th, 2018|General News|0 Comments
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