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So far admin has created 553 blog entries.

The European Commission has published the Erasmus+ 2018 Call!

On 25th October, the UK National Agency informed that EC has published finally the new call for Erasmus +. The information according to the website: All the deadlines and application details are contained in the 2018 Call for Proposals and the 2018 Programme Guide, which are on  Key Resources webpage. The Call for Proposals is an overview [...]

2017-10-30T22:39:35+00:00October 30th, 2017|General News|0 Comments

Austrian students in Brighton!

12 Austrian students stayed in Brighton for a period of 4 weeks to have their internship in local companies and improve their English in a language course. Read what students wrote about their stay: "Host family: really nice, I feel like a part of the family, they are helpful and if I need something, I [...]

2017-10-25T11:19:15+01:00October 25th, 2017|General News|0 Comments

Contact seminar “Cooperation in the Field of Health and Social Care Education” in Prague

Last week, The IBD Partnership participated in "Cooperation in the Field of Health and Social Care Education" in Prague, organised by Czech Republic National Agency (Centre for International Cooperation in Education) and Erasmus + programme.   Together with 70 participants, we discussed about the news in Erasmus + programme, project management and ECVET! The event [...]

2017-10-19T13:21:00+01:00October 19th, 2017|General News|0 Comments
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