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So far admin has created 553 blog entries.

Certificates for Slovak group in Southampton!

A group of six young students and two teachers from "Obchodná akadémia Lučenec" (Slovakia) spent three weeks in Southampton. The students improved their professional skills in IT and administration and English language skills within Erasmus + programme. More photos on our Facebook page  

2017-09-29T15:13:24+01:00September 29th, 2017|General News|0 Comments

Certificates to Italian students after 2 month internship in Portsmouth!

Two Italian students started their internship at the beginning of July. They spent 8 weeks in Portsmouth for their internship in marketing and administration. Both of them were satisfied about the gained professional experience and improved English language skills. "Beautiful atmosphere, very kind colleagues and interesting things to do." More photos on our Facebook page.

2017-08-31T17:16:41+01:00August 31st, 2017|General News|0 Comments
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