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So far admin has created 553 blog entries.

Certificate ceremony for Estonian participants

Two Estonian students spent two weeks in Portsmouth for their internship in massage and physiotherapy. This Friday, they were awarded with the certificates. One of the participants left following feedback about the stay in Portsmouth: "Very nice people in the office of IBD. Beautiful city and good work experience!" We wish the best for their [...]

2016-09-30T12:08:49+01:00September 30th, 2016|General News|0 Comments

Feedback from Austrian students

The Austrian students stayed in Portsmouth for their internship and left us a feedback about their stay: “At first we were really nervous. Never before had we stated so long away from home. We worried about many different things, like the transport in England, the host family whom we stayed with and the company we [...]

2016-12-23T10:33:51+00:00September 28th, 2016|General News|0 Comments

Feedback from Austrian students

A group of Austrian students spent a period of 4 weeks in Portsmouth. Please find below a short description about their experience in UK: “The people here in Portsmouth were very friendly and we were very warmly welcomed in the host families and companies. We also learned a lot of new things in our jobs [...]

2016-12-23T10:33:51+00:00September 19th, 2016|General News|0 Comments

Certificate ceremony for Latvian group – Portsmouth and Southampton

On Friday, 2nd September, a group from Latvia received their certificates for work placement. The eight young participants were divided in Portsmouth and Southampton groups. Logistics and accountancy specialists had their internship for 6 weeks. More photos on our Facebook page.

2016-09-05T10:27:35+01:00September 5th, 2016|General News|0 Comments
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