Goodbye to Swedish retail students!
The 5 participants had their certificate ceremony after spending 3 weeks in Portsmouth. They had their internship within Erasmus + programme in the retail sector.
The 5 participants had their certificate ceremony after spending 3 weeks in Portsmouth. They had their internship within Erasmus + programme in the retail sector.
On 25th April, the CEO of the IBD Partnership will be one of the judges at Young Enterprise Hampshire and IOW finals!
The group of 6 students and their teacher arrived this Sunday! All of the students will stay for 3 weeks in Portsmouth!
10 young Belgian students arrived this Sunday in Portsmouth. They will stay for 3 weeks to have their internships within Erasmus + programme.
The 6 participants spent 3 weeks with their internship in Southampton. They helped a local charity in IT area. Their tutors were extremely glad about the contribution they made.
The 4 students from Sweden received their certificates last Friday for staying 6 weeks in Portsmouth!
The students of administration and media design spent 3 weeks in Portsmouth!
Just before Easter 5 participants received their certificates for their internship in Portsmouth, UK. All participants stayed 6 weeks to gain more experience in IT sector.
10 German participants received today their certificates for their 4-week internship in the UK. During their first week, they also attended an English language course, then had internships in the construction sector.
She spent 4 weeks in Portsmouth for her internship in an estate agency.